The Okanagan Charter: An International Charter for Health Promoting Universities & Colleges was an outcome of the 2015 International Conference on Health Promoting Universities and Colleges held on the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus in Kelowna, Canada on June 22-25. The Charter development process engaged researchers, practitioners, administrators, students and policy makers from 45 countries.
The first draft of the Charter was based on input from 225 people through a pre-conference survey and expert interviews as well as a review of existing Charters and Declarations. On the final Conference day, 380 higher education leaders and delegates, including network and organization representatives, signed a Pledge to bring the Charter back to their settings to inspire and catalyze further action towards the creation of health promoting universities and colleges. Representatives from the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization joined in the Pledge.
The UBC President was first to sign the Pledge followed by the Okanagan College President and the Simon Fraser University Student Society President. UBC administrators, students, staff and faculty were well represented in the Charter development process and pledge.
We invite everyone at UBC to use the Charter as a guide to create and participate in conversations on how to advance wellbeing at UBC.
Download the charter
Charter document hosted on UBC cIRcle:
Press Release:
For more on the 2015 International Conference on Health Promoting Universities and Colleges: